This year, I held charity mini-sessions where the proceeds went to support a few schools in my home country in the Philippines. One of my super sweet clients wasn’t able to make it to her spot, and she wants to pay her spot forward. Seeing as today is Veterans Day, and she and her family were/are in the military, I thought it would be perfect to pass on the spot to another active duty military family.
Some of you may know, but my husband also served. He actually just ended his 13.5 years of service this past week. It’s also one of the reasons I want to give this spot to someone that were in the same shoes as us. I know many times that getting quality photography while relying on military income doesn’t exactly become priority. So I want to give this spot to one family that needs an updated family portrait.
Session will be held on November 17, 12pm, at my Downtown Annapolis, MD Studio.
Weather dependent, it will either be outside my building, or in my studio.
15 minutes session – 5 digital images ready for download in full resolution
How to enter:
I just ask that you don’t have a booked session with me, or another photographer. I really want the spot to go to someone that wasn’t able to book a session for their family this holiday season.
Please comment on this blog post why you would love this spot. You can be as detailed as you want.
You MUST be a current active (or active reserve) duty family.
We will pick a winner tomorrow by 7pm ET, November 12, and we will contact you via email.
Thank you for your interest in this contest, and thank you all for serving.
I have been serving in the Air Force since july 2006. We Are a relatively large family (4 kiddos) and have been relying on photographer friends or my in-laws to get famiLy photos done as money is typically pretty tight. Since our move back to mAryland we have not been able to get our Family portrait Updated. It has been a crazy year full of upS (we bought our 1st house) and downs (just lost 2 grandparents in 5 mOnths). A lot of money has been sPent on traVel and house repairs, so a new Family photo haS been on the back burner. I have been following your work for a little whiLe now and am amazed by your talEnt. I will forever be a fan and hope to be able to work with you in the future.
This would be Amazing! My boyfriend, whos currently active duty navy, just came home from an almost 4 month deployment! We havent been anle to book pictures together yet either!
We would love the opportUnity to have a session with you. My husBand is currently active duty and a veteran. This year has beEn crazy for us. Im currently pregnant and have had a high risk Pregnancy this time. Ive Had to stop working due to having so many appointments. I love my husband and am so thankful for all he does to ensure our Safety and my safety for this little one im carrying.
I want this for my close friends, Kindra and Cory. They have two beautiful daughters and tHis would be a dream for them!
Hi! My husband & I ARe both AD Air Force and would love this spot! Our boy/girl twiNs turn 14 this Weds… I am kind of ashamed to share that we have never had professional family pics taken:( it was always something: timing, budget, schedule. I just returned from An unaccompanied year-long tour in Korea in July. This would be a blesSing for our family this holiday season. Thank you for offering the opportunity & sharing your gift of photoGRAPHY.
Hi, Winnie!
I would love this spot! I don’t know if Bruce has mentioned me, but we have worked together for the past few years. My husband and I haven’t been able to afford to have any family pictures (or even just pictures of our baby) TAKEN. We’ve had a pretty tough year since having our daughter diagnosed with a couple of severe forms of epilepsy and spending most of our time at the hospital. The 17th is actually her birthday- she’ll be a year old! We don’t have any family or really any friends out here so we aren’t doing much to celebrate, but this would be a fantastic way to do so! Anyway, I’ve always been a fan of your work! Have a great day.
Being in the military and away from family makes it hard to always afford to go home or make it happen logistically. EspeCIALLY when family is all over the world like ours! WE will not be spending Christmas with our family this year and i would love an opportunity to send photos of our kids as gifts to all of them. Thanks for the chance to do so!
We have not had family photos done since my daughter was two and is now almost five. We would love to have them taken before our second child is born in April.
Hi, WinnIe!I would love this spot! I’m a huge fan of your work, since i follow you tHRough my sistEr-in-law, Stephanie and I ABSOLUTELY love all the special moments you’ve captured of her and her family. My husband jOined the air force not to long (he went in April of this year) so we’re new in this military life. Unfortunatly, we are on Evacuation stAtus due to Hurricane Michael that hit in panama City, Florida. I really would lOve to have an opportUnity to Have beautiful pictureS of my little family (We’re also pregnant with my 2nd, we have a 2 year old daughter) we’ve haven’t taken any prOfessional family pIcutres . So it would be aWesome to get this opportunity. Have a great day!
My husband is active duty navY, finishing up his time mentoring midshipman at the naval acadrmy. In 7 more short months, he will return to sea duty and leave the 3 of us, wife, Daughter and son behind for a 9 months deployment. We have not had the chance to update our family photos since our son was born, and having thIs session would be such a special Gift for Him to have as a memory and keepsake while hes gone. Thanks to all the veterans who have and continue to keep us safe!
i would absolutely love to win this session! we are an active duty air force family. this year has been quite special for us as we welcomed our first child, a beautiful baby girl. i am a substitute teacher but have only been able to work a few times this school year due to lack of childcare. on the bright side I have been blessed to spend the days with our baby. we would be so grateful to be able to take family photos just in time for the holiday season and celebrate the growth of our family.
What a wonderful thing! My huSband is active duty coast guard . He AtTended the coast Guard academy and had several Stations and units then landed in texas, wHerE we met, got married and had our first son. Shortly after having our first son , we had our first pcs move, where i left my career with the state of texas . We moved to maryland two years ago whEn i was pregnant and had our second son here. During our marriage, i have learned that i serve alongside my husband. I am the one who is always ready foR whatever life brings and wherever the coast guard needs us to go. Through crazy tides , we wear many hats and we make home wherever we are sent. We make family wherever we are sent as well. The Last seVeral years , life has Been non stop so we have yet to do picTures with our second child since he was born. He came early and had some health issues and we are finally getting over the busy schedules, so i finally see some light at the end of the tunnel! We desperately need an updated family photo. During our marriage i also had a health and fitness jouRney wheRe i have lost 100 pounds and would love a phOto of us caPtured together as well. I always see your beautiul photos and would love this opportunity for a family photo. My sons and i prouldy serve alongside my active duTy uscg hubby and would be honored to fInally get some pictures captured so we can hang it on our wall! Thanks for the consideration. -ashley
Hey Winnie!My name is Stephanie. My husband Jesse and I have been together for over a decade. I met him the second week of college and by the time I went home for Thanksgiving I knew that I would marry him. We have been through everything together. We grew up together. We graduated at the peak of the recession in 2010, and found ourselves floundering — like so many of our peers. My husband, then boyfriend, decided to make the sacrifice and commitment to join the United States Army in 2012. He proposed to me two weeks before he shipped out to basic training. His first assignment was in Pensacola, FL, and I moved down to be with him. I packed everything I needed (including two dogs) into a Toyota Yaris and drove to Florida with no plans other than to be with him in whatever capacity I could. I rented a tiny cockroach-infested apartment and was able to visit him at the barracks every afternoon. I got a job working at the mall and we were able to make ends meet. We eloped in September at the courthouse and he moved into the apartment with me. We had a mattress on the floor, clothes in cardboard boxes, and thrift store pots and pans — it was one of the happiest times in both our lives and we remember it with nothing but joy. We have come so far together since then. In 2017, we welcomed our first child — a daughter — and named her Evangeline, Evie for short. We are expecting a son in February of 2019 and can’t wait to meet him. Jesse is the most amazing father i could have imagined for my children. The military has continued to be the best decision we could have made for our lives. My husband is my hero. His selfless dedication to providing for our family while serving our country couldn’t make me more proud. I would love to be able to surprise him with the gift of capturing this moment in our lives. It’s all flown by so fast. Each year has been filled with more joy than the last and this time in our lives is so precious. Capturing these moments would be priceless. Thank you for offering this giveaway, and thank you for your consideration. Happy Holidays,Stephanie Oberbeck